How can we help you
Since the Former Mayor James Fouts took office, the City of Warren has seen major progress and reached some incredible milestones under his leadership. Former Mayor Fouts has followed through on many of his key campaign promises and has focused on multiple key areas including economic development, education, civic innovation, reduction in crime and sustainability. Fouts’ focus on constituent services is a testament to his belief that government should work for the people. He has consistently advocated for policies that enhance the quality of life for all residents, from improved public safety measures to expanded recreational opportunities. His track record of delivering tangible results speaks volumes about his effectiveness as a public servant.
- Works 24/7 – No vacation days
- Takes/returns constituent calls at home and on weekends –
- Monday-Sunday (8AM-10:30PM)
- Mayor communicates with constituents through all mediums during the day, night and weekends.
- Public speaker at local government classes throughout the year
- Conducts marriages for Warren residents (free of charge)
- Mayor donated $1,000 out of his own pocket for Flint Water Crisis and asked for matching donations–raised a total of $6,000
- Has taped Fouts Forum Shows:
-Elections in general
-Election results
-JFK assassination with Dr. Spitz
-Denny McLain
-Road Improvements
-Property Maintenance
-Coach Al Fracassa
-Senior Scams
-Planner Robert Gibbs-Planning City of Warren Downtown
-Police/Fire Holiday Safety
-Pete Lucido (Prosecutor of Macomb County) – Scams
-Water Dept. (Tom Pawelkowski & Dave Koss)
-DPW & Sanitation (Dale Walker & Gary Sikora)
-Library (Oksana Urban)
-Candice Miller (Macomb County Public Works Commissioner)
-Mark Hackel (Macomb County Executive)
-Anthony Forlini (Macomb County Clerk)
-Larry Rocca (Macomb County Treasurer)
-Anthony Wickersham (Macomb County Sheriff)
-Tom Bommarito DDA/TIFA/Economic Development - Reads to Students at various elementary schools during March is Reading Month
- Adopted a family at Christmas time
- On-the-job Mayor
- Monarch Pledge each year to expand and save butterflies
- Gives students and scout troops tours of city buildings and speaks with them
- Supports Warren Civic Theatre
- In 2018, the Philadelphia Eagles sent the Mayor a letter praising his leadership when they were in the Superbowl and during the
- Superbowl the city of Warren had a major snowstorm and the city streets were paved and taken care of in a record time
- Changed city persona to an ‘inclusive’ city, not ‘exclusive’
- Eliminated city paid cell phones and car allowances for all mayoral appointees
- Open door policy in the Mayor’s Office for the public
- Diversity in City Departments and Boards/Commissions – African Americans, Muslims, Arabs, Hispanic, Women, etc.
- Demolition of dilapidated buildings (nuisance abatements)
- Bricks at Veterans’ Park commemorating veterans
- Neighborhood Watch Program
- Efficient Complaint Tracking System
- Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day
- Property transfers and ownership changes recorded immediately
- New TV Warren programs
- Street sweeping four-five times a year instead of one
- Farmers’ Market encouraged and established by Mayor
- Re-opened and renovated Fitzgerald Senior Recreation Center (campaign promise)
- Arbor Day Foundation – Tree City, USA Community
- Declared Warren a Purple Heart City (First in Michigan)
- Shed light on MDOT’s lack of freeway service drive overgrowth maintenance and had city start cleaning it up and maintaining it since the MDOT/the State did not
- AA Bond Rating for Warren
- Provided “No Solicitors, No Salesperson, No Peddlers” stickers to residents for their homes, Save Our Pet Stickers, Right to Work, Buy American, File of Life Magnets
- Took over maintaining Mound Road Medians when the County did not, had an agreement drafted that the county pay the city to maintain the medians
- Attracted new business and expansions in Warren (business friendly)
- City-wide Street/Road Improvement Program
- Raised the Purple Heart Flag in the City of Warren, it is still up at City Hall and Veteran’s Memorial Park
- Major Business Expansions of Walmart, Menards, GM, Chrysler, New Universal City Mall, Tech Plaza, etc.
- Supported Healthcare reform for retirees/employees
- Led Warren to become the Metro Area’s largest industrial assessment city even surpassing Detroit according to Crain’s Detroit
- Opened the first new modern movie theater in 40 years
- $6 million spent annually in neighborhood road improvements
- Joined lawsuit against big pharma for excessive opioid prescription rates
- Purchased and established more land to create 31 City Parks/Green Space
- Established and created the Community Pride Award for residents that keep their properties maintained and nice
- COVID (vaccines in person, testing, free masks, free hand sanitizers, food hot line, Forgotten Harvest food hand out, home bound vaccines on vaccines and boosters)
- Maintained the 3rd largest city on Michigan from 2020 Census
- Re-Opened the Loan Closet at the Fire Department with free medical supplies that Mayor was able to secure from World Medical Relief.
- Initiated the Citizen of the Month recognition Program
- Proclaimed International Women’s Day and Diversity for the city
- Friendly service to residents and businesses
- Supports the Low-Cost Animal Vaccination Clinics twice a year
- More roads paved each year
- Encouraged businesses to locate and expand in Warren
- Established the Emergency Hotline for residents to call with cases such as floods, COVID, etc.
- Crime-Sweeps in Phases
- Warren to be Butterfly Capital of the World
- Create and distribute pamphlets to residents on various information-Mosquitos, Senior Services, Important Phone
- Numbers, Resources for Help, Butterfly Garden, Recycling, Adopt-a-
- Park, Adopt-A-Road, Hazardous Waste, etc.
- Established foreign language services for residents or visitors to city departments for proper translating services
- Community/Neighborhood Policing established in blocks/neighborhoods
- Street Signs recognizing award winning High School Sports Teams in the city
- A “Buy American Products” campaign
- “Buy Warren” initiatives and campaign
- Relay for Life Cancer Fundraiser
- LiveStrong Fundraiser
- Breast Cancer Fundraiser
- Domestic/Sexual Violence Purple/Teal Ribbon Fundraiser
- March of Dimes Fundraiser
- American Red Cross Blood Drives
- Collection of donations for the needy and American troops overseas – Salvation Army Drives, Food Drives, Toy Drives, Warm Winter Clothing Drives, Military Care Package Drive, “Love Package” Drive for the needy, Annual School Supply Collection Drive, Several Book Drives, Jason Dunn (Dystonia Fundraiser), Jason Dunn $5 For the Cure, Flint Water Crisis, Puerto Rico, Angel Tree, Giving Tree (mittens, hats & scarfs), Red Ribbon for CARE, July 4 Explosion, Kentucky Tornado, Ukraine, Hurricane Harvey Victims in Houston, Thanksgiving, Christmas, stuffed animals to Japan, Goodfellows, Church Pantry Drives, Baby Pantry and Baby Goods Drives
- Re-opened and renovated Fitzgerald Senior Recreation Center (campaign promise)
- Led Anti-Right to Work fight
- Move to Warren Campaign #MIWARREN
- Warming Center Fundraiser
- Operation Kid equipment (backpacks for students)
- Fundraiser for Special Olympics
- Fundraiser for Rainbow Connection
- Fundraisers for families in need
- Fundraiser for MDA – Shamrocks
- Fundraiser for Turning Pointe (Domestic Shelter)
- Turned Annual State of the City into Fundraisers for Charity
- Congenital Heart Defects Fundraiser
- COVID (vaccines in person, testing, free masks, free hand sanitizers, food hot line, Forgotten Harvest food hand out, home bound vaccines on vaccines and boosters)
- Free Turkey Drive (Thanksgiving)
- Fundraiser for Christine Wright Family
- Fundraiser for Rhonda Hartlieb
- Fundraiser for the Brown Family
- MI Warren Campaign
- MI Warren/Buy Warren Campaign
- Initiated a Collection Drive for the Blessing Boxes that resident Dylan Soucy created
- Earthquake Collection Drive for Syria and Turkey
- Created Student Advisory Committee to get the youth of the city more involved in their community
- New innovative crime-fighting programs including a police academy
- First Church-Police-City Partnership
- New restrictive used car lot ordinance
- Began “Annual Tribute to Frank Sinatra” concerts
- Created Code of Ethics for all appointees
- New snow alert policy
- New Parks and Recreation programs
- New Global Positioning System (GPS) on city vehicles, including snow plows
- “Welcome to Warren” signs
- Senior citizens anti-scam police program
- Hazardous Waste Drop-Off day
- New automated water meter program
- New TV Warren programs
- Appointment of Skip McAdams, first African American Department Head since then he has appointed Ethan Vinson as City Attorney, Clarissa Cayton Communications Director and Vicki Brooks as Diversity/ADA Coordinator
- After School Anti-Violence Program – Van Dyke Schools Initiative/corridor
- School Safety Program implemented after the Sandy Hook tragedy
- Initiated pet store restrictions
- Mosquito Elimination Program
- Fireworks Initiative and Patrol – led the change in the State Law
- Led Anti-Right to Work fight
- Established Pothole Hotline/Program
- Established emergency hotline during flood disaster – Mayor’s
- Office was epicenter for all aid effort
- Established green dot program for local stores
- Established anti-K2 spice initiative at local stores
- Helped build Habitat for Humanity home in Warren for Jason Dunn
- Established drug tip hotline
- Established neighborhood blight hotline
- Declared Warren a Purple Heart City (First in Michigan) and Raised the Purple Heart Flag in the City of Warren, it is still up at City Hall and Veteran’s Memorial Park
- Library millage – helping build new Busch branch and building new
- Library in S.E. section David area
- New Library-City Hall-Police and Fire Station in 9 Mile – Van Dyke area
- Healthcare reform
- Initiated Parks and Recreation Comfort station upgrades for all-weather usage
- Encouraged new city-sponsored programs for special needs persons
- Initiated a review of city hall to be certain if it is Americans with Disabilities Act compliant and local businesses including creating a ADA Advisor
- Began a program to encourage businesses to hire persons with disabilities and make their buildings more accessible for the handicapped, ADA ordinances
- Led Warren to become the Metro Area’s largest industrial assessment city even surpassing Detroit according to Crain’s Detroit
- Opened the first new modern movie theater in 40 years
- Sponsored Caregiver Recognition Ceremony
- Sponsored Disability Resources Fair
- Encouraged formation of Warren Area Chamber of Commerce
- Initiated special needs program in recreation
- Initiated pawnbroker regulations
- Implemented new rubbish carts citywide
- Mobile home inspection program
- Formed Police Canine Unit
- Initiated bullet-proof vests for police officers
- 21-million-gallon detention basin to reduce street and basement flooding (under construction)
- Provide storage building for Veterans Returning Home for $1 a year lease
- Gave elementary schools coloring books, which provided information on recycling
- Sponsored Shredding Day
- In God We Trust Posters given out at National Day of Prayer
- Brought the Vietnam Traveling Wall to Warren City Hall
- Turned Annual State of the City into Fundraisers for Charity
- Secured funding for new playground equipment for Lincoln
- Elementary School in 2020
- Initiated the Citizen of the Month recognition Program
- Named street after Preston Singleton
- Put up sign at Shaw Park in Honor of Isabelle Bachtel
- Implemented WarrenCan-Community Alert Network
- Community/Neighborhood Policing established block/neighborhood
- Police Jr. Detective Program
- Police Athletic League (PAL) Program
- Established Emergency Hotline when floods, COVID, etc.
- Implemented Fire Cadet Program to hire Warren residents in Fire Department
- Warren to be Butterfly Capital of the World
- New Warren Towne Center/Downtown Planned and Proposed for an exciting future in Warren
- Food delivery Program for residents in need
Create and distribute pamphlets to residents on various information-Mosquitos, Senior Services, Important Phone - Numbers, Resources for Help, Butterfly Garden, Recycling, Adopt-a-Park, Adopt-A-Road, Hazardous Waste, etc.
- Established foreign language services for residents or visitors to city departments for proper translating services
- Community/Neighborhood Policing established in blocks/neighborhoods
- Purchased Body Cameras for the Police Department
- Sponsored a meeting with 84 churches in Warren with Police
- Commissioner Bill Dwyer to have seminar on mass shooting protections.
- Demolition of an adult bookstore
- Reduced number of city employees by 27% without layoffs
- Terminated 4 city employees for embezzlement
- Vetoed healthcare resolution that would have given Council healthcare for life
Departments/City Hall/Employees
- Morning sweeps at city hall
- Consolidated several city departments
- Dismissal of employees who were accused of possession or illegal drug dealing
- Random alcohol and drug-testing for all mayoral appointees
- Defended the of Nativity Scene, Prayer Station, and National Day of
- Prayer at City Hall
- Urban gardening in Warren and conservation of monarch waystations
- Created Code of Ethics for all appointees
- Prayer Station at city hall
- New Global Positioning System (GPS) on city vehicles, including snow plows
- Appointment of women and minorities to city positions
- Adopted budgets with no tax increases
- Implemented rules regarding appointees and inspectors owning rental properties in Warren
- Warren received the highest award in financial reporting
- Historical photos refurbished and hung up around city hall
- Initiated a review of city hall to be certain it is Americans with
- Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliant. Initiated visiting local businesses to make sure they were ADA Compliant, and created an ADA Advisor position.
- Maintained and improved city services in spite of losses of millions in state revenue allocations
- Praised by Crossroads for employing special needs individuals
City has highest number of emergency services personnel (per capita) in the U.S. - TV Warren earned international competition awards
- Lighting up the front of City Hall to bring public attention to various causes:
-20th anniversary of 9/11 on Patriot’s Day (red, white, and blue)
-30th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence (blue and gold)
-Amyloidosis (red)
-Breast Cancer (pink)
-‘Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day’ (purple)
-Fallen Firefighters (red)
-Fragile X Syndrome Day (teal)
-Gun Violence Awareness Day (orange)
-Independence Day (red, white, and blue)
-International Overdose Awareness Day (purple and silver/white)
-International Overdose Awareness Day (purple and silver/white)
-Juneteenth (red, yellow, and green)
-Lissencephaly (blue, grey, and lavender)
-Michigan Adoption Day (purple and white)
-Muscular Dystrophy (lime green)
-National Eating Disorders Awareness (blue and green)
-National Police Week (blue)
-Pitts Hopkins Syndrome (blue)
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (teal)
-Pride Month (rainbow)
-Rare Disease Day (blue, green, and pink)
-Ukraine (blue and yellow)
-World Down Syndrome Day (blue and yellow)
-World Pancreatic Cancer Day (purple)
-Brought the Vietnam Traveling Wall to Warren City Hall
-Beautification Awards – Residents, Businesses, 4th Grade Students
-Highly-qualified Administrators under the Fouts Administration
-Cross Training of Employees
-Fewer Employees with more productivity
-Property transfers and ownership changes recorded immediately
-Appointed Skip McAdams, first African American Department Head in the City of Warren. Since then, he also appointed Ethan Vinson as City Attorney, Clarissa Cayton as Communications Director and Vicki Brooks as Diversity/ADA Coordinator
- $4 million generated in building inspection fees
- Mobile home inspection program
Building Maintenance
- Cost-savings programs in Sanitation, Building Maintenance and DPW departments
- Initiated and started the WarrenCan – Community Alert Network
- Appointment of Skip McAdams, first African American Department Head since then he has appointed Ethan Vinson as City Attorney, Clarissa Cayton Communications Director and Vicki Brooks as Diversity/ADA Coordinator
- Cost-savings programs in Sanitation, Building Maintenance and DPW departments
- Street sweeping four times a year instead of one
- Established Pothole Hotline/Program
- Sewer jetting to clean sewer lines
- Returned city-operated EMS transport resulting in $29 million in new revenues
- Appointment of Skip McAdams, first African American Department Head since then he has appointed Ethan Vinson as City Attorney, Clarissa Cayton Communications Director and Vicki Brooks as Diversity/ADA Coordinator
- Hired more police and fire personnel
- Annually increased city expenditures in capital equipment, including new vehicles for Public Service, Fire and Police
Fire Dept. EMS received gold award (highest) from American Heart Association (8 consecutive years and silver the year before that) - 5 New Fire Trucks and New Fire Stations being built
- Fire Department/Police Department Awards
- Implemented Fire Cadet Program to hire Warren residents in Fire Department
- Library millage – helping build new Busch branch and building new Library in S.E. section David area
- New Library-City Hall-Police and Fire Station in 9 Mile – Van Dyke area
- Library System Upgrades
- Established emergency hotline during flood disaster – Mayor’s Office was epicenter for all aid effort
- Saved Warren taxpayers $1.5 million in Mayor’s office expenditures since his election as mayor in 2007
Parks and Recs
- New Parks and Recreation programs
- Initiated Parks and Recreation Comfort station upgrades for all-weather usage
- Initiated special needs program in recreation
- Pool at Community Center voted best by WDIV-TV viewers (2 consecutive years)
- 31 Parks/Green Space
- Crackdown on prostitution and drug dealing in Warren
- Crackdown on heroin users and dealers
- Senior citizens anti-scam police program
- Established drug tip hotline
- Hired more police and fire personnel
- Annually, increased city expenditures in capital equipment including new vehicles for public service, new fire and police vehicles
- Supplied police with NARCAN to save opioid-overdosed victims
- Formed Police Canine Unit
- Initiated bullet-proof vests for police officers
- Community/Neighborhood Policing established block/neighborhood
- Appointment of Police Commissioner Bill Dwyer
Police Jr. Detective Program - Citizen’s Police Academy
- Police-Culture, Diversity, Disability Training
- Hope not Handcuffs
- Fire Department/Police Department Awards
- Police Memorial Ceremonies
- Police-Promotions and Hiring Ceremonies
- Drug Take Back Days
- Drug Take Back Boxes at Police Stations
- Crime-Sweeps in Phases
- Warren Police Drug Task Force leaders-FANTOM of Macomb
Community/Neighborhood Policing established in blocks/neighborhoods - Purchased Body Cameras for the Police Department
- Sponsored a Meeting with 84 churches in Warren with Police Commissioner Bill Dwyer to have seminar on mass shooting protections.
Property Maintenance
- Neighborhood cleanup/blight sweeps – street by street, house by house, by city inspectors, including mobile home parks-received Livability Award from U.S. Conference of Mayors
- Reduced maximum heights for uncut grass from 9” to 6”
Saved over $5 million over 15 years by converting all city streetlights to LED streetlights - Established neighborhood blight hotline
- Encouraged and changed to LED Streetlights
Public Service
- Annually, increased city expenditures in capital equipment including new vehicles for public service, new fire and police vehicles
- Computerization of Purchasing Department’s System (now receive monthly budget update reports and regular overtime reports).
- Rental Inspection Program is self-sustaining
$1,093,036 generated annually in rental inspection fees - Stronger penalties for negligent landlords, including jail time
- Rental Ordinances to Crackdown on Slum Landlords and put them in jail
- Cost-savings programs in Sanitation, Building Maintenance and DPW departments
- Implemented new rubbish carts citywide
- New automated water meter program
- New Library-City Hall-Police and Fire Station in 9 Mile – Van Dyke area
- Water Mains/Pipes Upgraded
- Initiated and created a 21-million-gallon detention basin to reduce street and basement flooding (under construction)
Events Hosted/Started/Sponsored
Hosted numerous honor ceremonies
- Annual Outstanding Volunteer Recognition Ceremony
MLK Ceremony - 4.0 Students Ceremony
- 15 successful college fairs, during pandemic years they were hosted online
- Mayoral Portrait Dedication Ceremony
- Special ceremonies to honor World War II, Korean War & Vietnam veterans and 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II, Silver Star Families
- Began “Annual Tribute to Frank Sinatra” concerts
- Honored one 10 year old and one 7 year old for honesty in church donation box return, honored hero’s – GM stabbing, etc., honored local high school sports teams
- Hosted lead Hazard Safety event for children and families
- Held Support American-Made Auto Rally
- Partnered with Macomb Community College for Job Fair every year
- Sponsored Caregiver Recognition Ceremony
- Sponsored Disability Resources Fair
- Sponsored Trunk or Treat in Parking Garage/Community Center
- Honors 100 year old’s and older to luncheon
- Sponsored Shredding Day
- Pet Care Fair
- Earth Day Event
- Black History Month Events – Noble, Tuskegee, Motown
- Cold Rush
- Over 80 Luncheon
- Skilled Trades Fair
- Food Truck Rally
- Warren’s Birthday Bash
- Beer Fest/Tailgate Party
- Health Fair
- 50th Anniversary Party
- Park Clean-Up Day
- Asian Rice Festival
- Filipino Unity Day
- Raised the Filipino Flag
- Raised the Ukraine Flag
- Trees planted for 100 year olds and older
- Harvest Treat
- Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
- Opioid/Heroin addiction resource fair
- Purple Heart Flags raised at all city locations
- Historical & Genealogical Award Banquet
- Crime Commission Banquet
- Movie Nights at the Square
- Concerts at the Square
- Greatest Garage Sale
- Council of Commissions Appreciation Dinners
- Police Memorial Ceremonies
- Police-Promotions and Hiring Ceremonies
- Daddy Daughter Dances
- Spring Carnivals
- Drug Take Back Days
- Honor Roll & NHS Students recognized
- Senior Health Seminars
- Seniors Christmas Fantasy Dances
- Red Ribbon Week Events
- President Reagan Commemoration Event
- Butterfly Releases
- Issues Mayoral Proclamations to honor various people, causes and events
- Holds State of the city event each year drawing large crowds to update community on accomplishments each year
- Had a ceremony for all former Mayor’s and their families and had all photos of all former Mayor’s of Warren hung at city hall
- Partnered with Macomb Community College Intern Program
- Partnered with various boards/commissions for PSA’s/outreach events
- Partnered with Macomb Community College for Job Fair every year
- Partnered with Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD)
- Partners with the Warren Center Line Prevention Coalition (WCPC) every year for alcohol retailers project
- Collaboration with other cities-i.e. fire, etc.
- Joined lawsuit against big pharma for excessive opioid prescription rates
- Cooperation with various levels of Government/agency’s
- Cooperation with all Unions
- Partnered with Historic Commission on Abraham Lincoln Program
Saved Money
- Returned city-operated EMS transport resulting in $29 million in new revenues
- Cost-savings programs in Sanitation, Building Maintenance and DPW departments
- Saved thousands on Christmas tree lighting and fireworks
- The Mayor saved the city $30,000 annually by not using a personal driver and eliminating the use of a leased vehicle for the Mayor, the use of a city issued cell phone, and the use of city paid gas
- Reduced number of city employees by 27% without layoffs
- Saved over $5 million over 15 years by converting all city streetlights to LED streetlights
- Warren received the highest award in financial reporting
- Employed services of a professional grant writer
- Secured many grants for the city – energy efficiency and conservation block grants, parks grants, census grant, police grants, etc.
- Strong fund balance
- Saved Warren taxpayers $1.5 million in Mayor’s office expenditures since his election as mayor in 2007
- Joined lawsuit against big pharma for excessive opioid prescription rates
- $10 million in overtime savings
- 2020 secured funding for new playground equipment for Lincoln Elementary School
- Spending down every year
- Working to secure free broadband for the whole city/all residents
- Grown fund balance each year, now the fund balance is at $72 million

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A Letter To James Fouts from Bernice King
A Letter from Bernice A. King to (Former) Warren Mayor James Fouts thanking him for his tremendous efforts honoring the Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King in the City Of Warren. I am pleased to offer words of praise for you and the work that you have championed in...
In the ever-evolving political landscape, the need for experienced and dedicated leaders is paramount. As Michigan’s 14th District looks towards its future, former Warren Mayor Jim Fouts emerges as an ideal candidate for the House of Representatives. His extensive...
Jim Fouts: From Mayor of Warren to House of Representatives Candidate for District 14
Jim Fouts, the former mayor of Warren, Michigan, has a long history of dedicated public service. With a tenure marked by significant accomplishments, Fouts has made a lasting impact on the community he has served. As he now steps into the role of a Democratic...