Warren Property Owners Get A Tax Credit on Winter Tax Statements – a $337,960 Corrective Action


All City of Warren property owners will receive a property tax credit on their winter tax statements, said Warren Mayor Jim Fouts.

Mayor Fouts added that the credit is the result of the Headlee Tax Limitation Amendment affecting the city tax rate that was not being processed in time for the adoption of the city tax rate by the Warren City Council in May.

Approved by Michigan voters in 1978, the Headlee Amendment required that if the assessed value of a local tax unit’s total taxable property increases by more than the inflation rate, the maximum property tax millage must be reduced so that the local unit’s total taxable property yields the same gross revenue, adjusted for inflation.

The Warren City Council adopted a 27.7556 mill tax rate recommended by Mayor Fouts and, when the Headlee rollback kicked in, the City tax rate was reduced to 27.6539 mills.

Warren Mayor Fouts said the city assessing department calculated the average credit as follows:

Average Credit On Winter Tax Bill



Residential                                           =                          $ 4.23

Commercial Real                                =                          $27.00

Comm. Personal                                 =                          $8.00

Industrial Real                                    =                          $43.00

Industrial Personal                            =                          $32.00


The Mayor added that the total tax credit in tax dollars for all properties is $337,960.

According to assessing records, the City of Warren has 50.883 residential properties, 1,490 industrial properties, and 1,847 commercial properties.

Commercial and industrial properties will also receive a winter tax credit for their business equipment (personal property).

“The city is only entitled to revenues generated by the city millage rate, nothing more,” said Mayor Fouts in a statement.  “So, we are taking the necessary corrective action.”