Two important updates: New CDC COVID Testing & DPW salting:
1) Great news the CDC will be testing outside Warren City Hall 7 DAYS A WEEK from 9AM-7PM, except Monday’s from 2-7PM. Start will be this Wednesday, January 26 thru Monday, February 14 Valentine’s Day. However, this Tuesday, January 25 they will test from 12-7PM. Monday’s will always be later from 2-7PM because of Forgotten Harvest food distribution Monday morning’s. To sign up use the following link (walk-ups also accepted):
Call 1-800-635-8611 (TDD/TTY & Language Line)Note: All tests through Wayne Health will be moved to the Owen Jax Recreation Center starting this week through February 17 for all those who have signed up for testing. Same drive-thru model.
2) DPW trucks are now out salting the roads and they will be out all night to complete the job. This is a major storm and all of our efforts will be put forth to ensure safety on city roads as soon as the job can be completed.