Warren Mayor James Fouts is strongly opposed to defunding the Warren Police Department! This is a bad idea because the City of Warren has an outstanding police department under Police Commissioner Bill Dwyer. Warren Police Officers receive training in:
B)Cultural Diversity
C)Proper use of force techniques
D)Proper decision making and use of lethal force.
Warren police receive on-going training in all of the above techniques during the year. Nobody is above the law whether it be the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner or officers in Warren. The tragic death of George Floyd would most likely not have happened in Warren because of our on-going efforts to prevent this horrendous situation.
The state is considering making some of these mandatory requirements but they are already required in Warren.  Mayor Fouts agrees with Detroit Mayor Duggan that our citizens want more police not less!
“As long as I’m mayor defunding is a no-go. Any proposal by the Warren City Council tonight to defund the police will be met with a strong veto.” Said Mayor Fouts in a statement.